About This Game From David Pittman (Eldritch, NEON STRUCT) and Minor Key Games (Super Win the Game, Gunmetal Arcadia), Slayer Shock is a role-playing shooter about hunting vampires in Nebraska.Operating from your headquarters at a college coffee shop, you take missions to patrol the streets, rescue captive humans, and weaken the undead threat. A team of fellow vampire slayers assists you from HQ, providing new weapons, skills, and research.With a format that lovingly recalls scripted television (missions are "episodes", each campaign is a "season"), Slayer Shock blends immersive first-person action, lightweight strategy, and procedural narrative into a uniquely thrilling experience.Assemble a team, hunt the vampires, and save your hometown! 6d5b4406ea Title: Slayer ShockGenre: Action, Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:Minor Key GamesPublisher:Minor Key GamesFranchise:Minor Key GamesRelease Date: 29 Sep, 2016 Slayer Shock License goblin slayer shock value. rocky mountain slayer shock length. slayer shock review. slayer shock hardware. slayer shock gameplay. traxxas slayer shock oil. crystal clear shockslayer. pokemon crystal clear shockslayer. video game slayer shock. rocky mountain slayer 2018 shock size. slayer shock game download. slayer shock size. slayer shock game. goblin slayer shock. rocky mountain slayer shock hardware. slayer shock. slayer shock download. shockslayer discord. slayer shock steam. rocky mountain slayer shock torque. dragon slayer shock machine. rocky mountain slayer coil shock. rocky mountain slayer rear shock size UPDATE: Sadly, the developer has chosen NOT to fix this game's issues and has given up on it entirely, so there is no chance now of this review changing. Definitely do not recommend. Still, read the review to see why.* * * * * * * * * *Let me start by saying that I do really like developers Minor Key Games. At the time of this writingI've got 44 hours in their first game, Eldritch, a "Call of Cthulhu by way of Minecraft" type first person rogue-lite. So you could say I'm a fan and none of this is meant as an insult against them.Slayer Shock is an interesting game and does have potential. You play as the Slayer, an implied Buffy expy who hangs out in a coffee shop with a gang of friends and occasionally goes out to hunt undead monsters. The game is very Buffy, even to the extent of dividing itself up into seasons and episodes - every mission is an episode, find and defeat the boss vamp, that's the end of the season. Move on to the next season and the next boss.It isn't a bad premise and like I said it does have potential. The problem right now is the gameplay. Again, the idea isn't bad. It's basically the same combat and movement mechanics from Eldritch, but turned up a notch. There are RPG elements at play; you can't just expect 1-2 shot kills all the time like you could in Eldritch, instead enemies actually have HP and damage stats of their own.And that's kind of the issue here. Slayer Shock is a hard game, and unfortunately it's not all for legitimate reasons. Despite what the game's Steam store page says stealth really isn't optional. Enemies tend to travel in large packs, they often take many hits to kill and they strike fast so evading isn't as easy as it was in Eldritch. If you're playing on anything above Easy difficulty open combat becomes suicidal, so you'll really need to rely on stealth to get by.The problem is, the stealth doesn't work very well. You move so slow that trying to sneak up behind enemies while they're moving away from you is next to impossible, there is no grace period when you're spotted, and even with the perk that lets you deal additional damage on a backstab you're STILL looking at a protacted battle against most enemies.Worse, enemies like to spawn in on top of you. I've seen enemies pop up two inches in front of my face as I was walking, and unlike Eldritch where you could stop spawns by not looting enemies, here there is NO WAY to stop new enemies from re-appearing constantly.Basically, Slayer Shock is a good premise, executed poorly. The developers are still working on the game as of this writing, so hopefully they'll fix the stealth mechanics and the respawn problem. If they do then expect this review to be updated but for right now I can't really recommend this game in good faith.KR Rating: [2] BADSee the original review on my blog.[knightlyreviews.blogspot.com]. I'd really want to like this game and support the devs behind Eldritch but I can't really defend this mess.. I originally bought their game Eldritch, and saw this one after adoring that game. From my name you can tell this one was an easy sale. But aside from that, I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer. One of my favorites growing up. This has that type of feel for sure, and I love it. In my opinion, though a bit biased, is that this is a worth it purchase.. If this were an early access game, it'd get a wholehearted thumbs up, but seeing as this is a full release, Slayer Shock is . . . Not quite there.The game has a super solid core, and the game itself is engaging to play. However, Slayer Shock really falters in its polish. It feels a little trapped between wanting realism and sticking to retro aesthetics. I'm enjoying my time in game, but I'd hold off unless you have a high tolerance for janky production values.. I saw the reviews for this game, and couldn't understand why it was getting negative reviews from a developer that made one of my favorite games of all time that was Eldritch. I really gave this game a fair shot. I came in with a completely open mind and even had some bias because it was the developer of Eldritch. I just can't recommend this game in its current state though.The game boils down to one hub area that is in a Cafe and a bunch of larger areas that you partake missions in to kill vampires. In this hub area is where you buy upgrades, weapons, perks, and pick what area where you want to go next. The areas that you choose have a threat level from 0 to 5. Once the threat levels hits 5, i believe that area becomes permantely lost and blocked off, This mission areas that you go to have rewards that you gain such as a Katana or water gun to research back in the main hub. The problems arise because they are completely random. So in my initial start, one of the rewards was a wooden katana. In my second game, the same area had a spiked Katana. They have vastly different power levels so you can either start the early game very weak or very powerful. This wouldnt be so much a problem is stealth was actually a fun mechanic in this game, but it's not. Enemies do not seem to have a consistent detection zone or pathways, so stealh not only becomes very boring, but also very repetitive and inconsistent. The other problem is that if you want to go into the missions loud and kill everything, the respawn timer is stupidly high. You can clear a single room and walk 15 feet away from it and already enemies are respawning. So why was eldritch so much better than this game?1. Eldritch's level design was amazing. It rewarded stealth and had many unique areas and locations. Slayer Shock just feels so damn bland. 2. The progression system in eldritch felt rewarding. Even though some of it was randomized, when i got a perk, it felt like it actually mattered. In slayer shock the items and perks are too damn random and they don't feel very different from each other. 3. The hub area in slayer shock is uninspired vs eldritch.4. Enemy respawn rates in slayer shock are extremely high to the point of being frustrating and game killing. There is a complete lack of enemy variety and AI. They all essentially do the same thing, which is run directly at you. 5. Combat does not feel satisfying and level design is not rewarding. I would ulimtaely pass on this game for te price that is being asked. 20 dollars just seems way too damn high for what you are getting. The game needs more polish and then maybe i could recommend it for that price. As of right now, i would wait until the game sunk under 10 bucks and then give it a try if you want to support the developer. I'm not going to refund this, i'm just going to hold on to the hope that the developer tries to improve some aspects of the game.. Plays and controls awesome, has a great score, and is motivating as hell. Well, or whatever hell vampires actually come from.. WOW!!!! This game rocks! Granted, I'm a Buffy fan, so I am a bit bias. But in all honesty, that wasn't all that made this game fun. This is my first FPS with vampires (never played Vampire Night), though I have played my fair share of vamp games. But this game is surpisingly fun with a very simple stealth sytem I really enjoy. Nothing beats sneaking around the shadows with Mr. Pointy. Speaking of Mr. Pointy, aka your stake, there is a variety of cool weapons I have run across. One such would make fans of From Dusk Till Dawn chuckle is the super soaker filled with holy water. On top of all that you have a variety of missions to complete to keep the vampires at bay. Failing the mission results in a vampire infestation and locking you out of that part of town. You also get a cool leveling up system.Now, we can get on with the cons. I don't mind the graphics, but others might be disappointed.The game is also rather simplistic, which isn't a problem for me but some ppl might wish for things like a deeper leveling up sytem, better stealth mechanics, weapon upgrades, and so on.I've also noticed a lot of repetition. So far I've only seen 5 different mission types, which while fun, could potentially get boring with time. I also noticed that there are only 5 different types of vamps (minions, elite, tanks, hollows, and The Big Bad). These vamps are fun to fight, but after awhile you do feel the need to put the controller down. I experienced this myself, though I decided to press on and found myself in love!This game is great for any one who is a true vampire fan, enjoys FPS, not a graphics connoisseur, and dosent mind repetition. Under this review is a bit of game play. https://youtu.be/qDEClKHRJWw. It's not a bad game, but I expected a much better one from this developer. His two games set a high plank and this one is just underwhelming now.Just go play Eldritch or Neon Struct:http://store.steampowered.com/app/252630/http://store.steampowered.com/app/310740/. Buffy the Vampire Slayer the Video Game.. After putting 90+ hours into Eldritch I was ecstatic when I saw Minor Key Games was making another FPS. This time with 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' action and RPG elementsPROS:-Very fast paced, addicting action. Prepare for a heart attack everytime a Minion or Elite jump into your face-Great level design. Each level is semi-randomized to keep you guessing-Extensive weapon / upgrade system. In particular, I found the upgrade system allowed you to tailor your character to your play style (do you like to kill a lot, or run away from enemies?)CONS:-You play the same 5 levels... over and over which on higher difficulties will drive you crazy-Despite the crazy weapon system you can get away with using the starting weapon (Stake) for most of the game-Graphics look very goofy for a horror game-Game soundtrack is a strange mix of music, some is also re-used from EldritchTL;DR: Not as good as Eldritch, but is an entertaining experience in it's own regard
Slayer Shock License
Updated: Mar 12, 2020